Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Need A Mommy Time Out, Please!!

  Do you ever have ah ha moment where God calls you out big time for your behavior? And then your like ouch, wowzers!! I got to experience one of those the other day. It was one of those days where I got up thinking it was going to be a pretty easy going day. Nothing going on. Just school and laundry. That's it. Then the army of minions I created woke up and the rebellion began. First the oldest, let's call him Wild Thing, started to fully earn his name. He was all over the place and I was trying to start school. Then my other son we'll call him Dependable sat down calmly to do his work. Well then wild thing decides to sit down and work but decides its his job to tell dependable what he can and can't do. That doesn't work so a huge bruhaha begins. And then of course the older two are going at it so what would the younger two do...why fight as well. Beef cake comes over wailing with a nasty bite mark on his hand while Sass sits quietly with and evil satisfied grin, she is her mothers child.

  So what do I do when all this blows up? Why what all moms would do.....I begin a mommy tantrum of my own of course. I start to bark out orders and commands at the minions and they rebell even harder. The more I bark the more they rebell. Finally I can take no more of the minion revolt.  

  So I go to my prayer journal and I wrote. I wrote like my hand was on fire. " I just don't know why my kids won't obey. I feel as if I'm going to explode. My morning is so off track and I don't know how to get back on track. I don't know why they won't just do what their told". Ya and then the burn sets in " I bark at the kids cause they aren't doing what I want....but am I doing what you want Lord... Nope". 

  How on earth can I expect them to behave and be pleasing to God and me if I'm not even focused on pleasing God? 

  When we let our heart and focus stray from the Lord all chaos will break loose. So I finished up my prayer crying out for forgiveness and crying for help in so many areas. And I got rewarded. The mood in my house turned around. Everyone got a happy peace. And then my sweet obs prayer sister shared a song that spoke so deeply to me that day. It was just the most perfect song for me that day. " In the middle of my little mess I forget how BIG I am blessed!!" Those words couldn't be more true to me and resonate with me daily. 

  The minion leader


  1. I have a purple minion in my kitchen and it reminds me that I can be just like that at times! When you pick it up and shake it, it makes a noise but when it's just sitting still, it's quiet. I think that's just like us...we make noise and act like a minion when our lives are shaken up, but if we stay grounded and rest in the Lord, He will keep us quiet :)
    Sarah T

  2. I'm so that way. I'm trying to work on just being still so I can hear God better. :)
